Welcome to Arriver. A platform for those who are hidden in plain sight.
An in-depth look at established artist careers that relate to social, political, and/or spiritual issues.
This showcase features underrated, talented performers whose names have yet to be discovered.
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Tomorrow's Tigers

How did you first get into music?

My older siblings had vastly different tastes in music, and I learned to appreciate many genres and moods of music. Living in Brooklyn in the early 2000s, music was everywhere, and it was an amazing time to be writing and recording music.

Greatest Strength/Greatest Weakness?

Our songwriting is our greatest strength. We spend a lot of time crafting our songs, so it isn't just one hook copy and pasted over and over. Hopefully, that rewards deeper listens where you hear all the various changes we sprinkle through our songs. Our biggest weakness is how we jump sounds and styles from song to song. We consider it a strength but oftentimes we think people would rather bands stick to one sound and keep playing the same song over and over.

What interests or hobbies do you have outside of music?

We are huge film enthusiasts and are constantly working on indie short films. Our indie music satire NOTHING IS COOL is one of our favs. Of course, we also love CATS!

What is your creative process when making music?

It often starts with short ideas on guitar or piano. A voice memo will get imported into Logic and that's when we start experimenting. The logic AI drummer is super fun to play with. If we have a musical idea in one genre, we’ll drop in a drummer from a completely unique style to spark something different. The rhythmic ideas often inspire other changes and can make an otherwise stock or stale idea seem fresh.

Who has been your most influential teacher or mentor?

My first guitar teacher Brian Grief from Rockville Music & Arts gave me a simple lesson that has stayed with me forever. "If playing your guitar sounds good to you and doesn't cause you physical harm...then it's RIGHT."

What is your proudest achievement as far as an artist?

As the iOs we were signed to Kanine Records and released our full-length album "In Sunday Songs." Just being involved in the NYC/Brooklyn scene in the early 2000s was a proud moment. To be playing alongside so many great bands like Ambulance Ltd, The Black Keys and Au Revoir Simone was a thrill.

Who have you been able to work with so far?

We were incredibly happy to have our EP mixed by our friend Braeden Henderson (Owl Fly South, End of Summer). I met him working on the Rolling Stone's 50th anniversary documentary "Crossfire Hurricane" where we bonded over late night classic rock discussions. I was extremely excited to collaborate with him on a music project instead of film.

What are your plans in the coming months?

We are currently working on another EP of latest music and looking to play shows all over LA.

